Posted: October 14, 2012 in Uncategorized
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Okay, i’m known as C-Slake. The “C” in the name really means nothing constant. Right now it is “cerebral” tomorrow it could be something else depending on my mood. And no, I did not jack Lil Wayne’s ‘swag’ (*sigh* i always try to avoid using that word :(…oh well) since he’s the biggest proponent of such e.g “WEEZY F BABY AND THE F IS FOR FENOMENAL….LOL”. Back to the topic, the inspiration for the name “Slake” will remain a mystery to most people till i feel like sharing it. Do not over-think it please, it is not deep. So yeah, i’m an artiste. Most people will feel more comfortable if I just stated that i’m a rapper but meh…I prefer being referred to as an artiste. Let me share a secret, recently two different producers heard me sing and told me i’m not far from being an amazing singer. According to them all I need is a little voice training. HEY, their words not mine, don’t hate hehe. Maybe someday I would sing. Really I am very good at coming up with RnB choruses. If you go through my phone you would find about twenty different recorded choruses and trust me there are many more. It takes me approximately seven seconds to come up with one. IT’S A TALENT. 

     My biggest skill is my ability to learn things very very very very quickly. Most times I learn on my own. Hey hey I actually learnt to rap. Rewind…….two years ago all i could do was rap along with TuPac, Jay Z etc. Always was a rock/blues freak. PICTURE THAT. So now, i want to make money!!! COME ON MAN! WHO DOESN’T??? I’ve learnt to use photoshop on my own so now I’ve started collecting cool cash to design for people. Quite cheap…FOR NOW BRO. Just remember this, I can do anything…almost. Try me and see. I call myself, Jack of all trades, very good at most. If I list all my other talents that can be harnessed and turned into money-making ‘somethings’ this page will blow up. right now, i’m focussing on the most market-able/money-making-able. Wanna get in contact with me? Holla at me slakenation@gmail.com

     Oh may I add that I want to own a record label very soon. Yes i’m a businessman and I have many great ideas in my head. MONEYYYYY! *sigh* quit holding me back bro, not cool. I don’t plan to really stay long in the music industry as an artiste. That life, not my forte. So enjoy me while i’m available. If I had a record label right now I would have signed about eight underground acts. Not most perfect but the potential they carry is HUGE and most people are blind to it. Not me though. I really want to help people achieve their dreams. Someday I would. First thing I notice about anyone is his/her potential even on the streets. I see models, footballers, etc etc etc just wasting away. Half of them don’t even see what I see in them, totally unaware. The plan is to show them what they can be. For now, allow me burn my pockets as I try to blow up in this difficult music terrain. I hope I get signed soon. Once that happens, you would be shocked at what I can do. My fans are to be known as #SLAKENATION. Remember the hashtag….Music adventure, roll on…Image

  1. Tosin onatade says:

    I respect this guy’s hussle.
    His going to b great someday.

  2. luizynavy says:

    Reblogged this on luizynavy and commented:
    Meet C-Slake..a rap goon..naija’s kendrick lamar..

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